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Art Up Close – Spilling the Beans

Gelliplate print on scrapbook card (Demo)

This series of six workshops included workig as part of Art Up Close & with Crewe Senior Forum during 2013.


Art up Close - Spilling the Beans Project with Crewe Senior Forum
Art up Close – Spilling the Beans Project with Crewe Senior Forum


The project involved working with aged 50+ residents of Crewe to create artjournal & scrapbook pages which were then displayed on a life-sized tree sculpture made from recycled materials. Many of which had never participated in painting or drawing classes before.

Thus the title for the artwork was “Tree of Life – A Journey through Time” providing an opportunity for participants to tell their stories expressed in a small artistic compositions using a variety of art & craft techniques.

The topics for the artjournal pages to be displayed upon it included “Nearest & Dearest”, “Favourite Places & Things”, “Travels or Journeys through time” 

The exhibition of all the works completed from the project were then displayed to the public as part of a touring exhibition around Crewe during 2014. For more information about the project visit the Art Up Close website here. Locations for the exhibition included Crewe Hall, Crewe Library & Memorial Hall.



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