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Abstracting Nature & Human Forms with Pastel & Mixed media

Light in the Woods
Experiment with the possibilities of working abstractly or semi-abstractly and loosely to capture the elements of nature and the human form using a combination of various mediums.

Starts: Thursday June 11th 2015 for 6 weeks 

(All dates will include June 11, 18, 25, July 9, 1, 23)

Location: Castle Park Arts Centre in Frodsham

This block will be broken into two three weeks slots but on the whole the block will focus on creating abstracts, semi-abstracts & non-objective pieces of artworks using a variety of options for inspiration e.g. nature & the human form.
The first three sessions will be looking at Abstraction with Pastel & Mixed Media.
For this series of sessions we will look at using tonal value, colour, pattern and shape to create small abstract works using inks, casein, fluid acrylics and pastel. Please bring good tonal (preferably black & white) photos to work with during these sessions. Learn how to find inspiration from simple designs and patterns in nature to create interesting and colourful abstract or semi-abstract, non-objective paintings.
The second three sessions will be focused on Figurative Gesture Drawing & Abstraction using Pastel & Mixed Media
This series of sessions starts off with a life drawing session which will include an additional £5 model fee due on the night (9th July). The following two weeks will be looking at abstracting sections or whole sketches to create a figurative piece of artwork using a combination of pastel & water based mixed media. For this one we will look at working on heavy duty watercolour paper (as opposed to using boards) although boards will be provided if required.
Please feel free to bring your own pastels for this workshop (a combination of soft & hard pastels will be used and artist quality is recommended for best results). All supports, materials and other equipment is provided.

Fee is £12.50 per week pay as you go or £75 to book the full 6 weeks.

Free parking, coffee & tea provided.

For more information contact Midge at

PLEASE NOTE: Places are filling up fast – currently only 2 places left!


The above session will be closely follow by:
Dates – July 30, August 6, 13, 20, 27 (5 week block) 

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